Virus Testing Results by James Hook

DJ's have just completed a round of virus testing for one of our clients investigating poor vineyard performance.

Taking a virus test before top-working is a recommended procedure because of the effects viruses can have on the grafting process.


At the date of virus sampling the vineyards tested positive to:

LR4-9: Leaf Roll associated Virus types.

GVA: Grapevine Vitivirus A

This virus has been associated with Kober Stem Grooving and Corky Bark diseases. These diseases are responsible for graft incompatibility, delayed budburst, severe decline, and even death of vines. GVA is generally transmitted by grafting; not transmitted by contact between plants. GVA is commonly seen with pits and grooves around the grafting union.

Unfortunately as this vineyard has tested positive to GVA virus and is considered not suitable for top working. 

Please follow this link to the Virus Atlas for more pictures and grapevine virus information -

Did you know... Virus can spread from the roots of old vines? by Brett Desmond

Did you know it’s possible to transfer vine viruses to new vines when grafting or even when replanting your Vineyard?

Joe Siebert investigates…

In some cases you will see some obvious signs (like in this video) but in others, viruses won’t show symptoms prior to doing this work - so it’s essential to virus test during your planning stages. Speak to us for more information.

A field left fallow that has some vines that have survived from root fragments.

A field left fallow that has some vines that have survived from root fragments.

How to ID eutypa lata - dead arm by Brett Desmond

Now is the perfect time to be out in the vineyard looking for Eutypa symptoms. These here are normal, healthy Shiraz shoots, and have we got on the corner you can start to see there are some symptoms here, in these shoots. I've seen these stunted shoots with leaf cupping and you'll also see, from time to time, these necrotic lesions on the edge of the leaf and they can cup leaves. These are the classic symptoms of Eutypa infection in the vine.